
129 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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I really liked the beat, it's the generic techno, the drumsare very well made, they works in a perfect harmony with the rest of the music, but specially with the guitar...
I really liked the main beat, it remembers me of some old school games, with those little musics that everyone remember...

Other thing i loved was the guitar, i think techno music and Heavy Metal guitars works so nicely together, because it sounds good, guitar is one of the few instruments that sounds harmonious to almost every kind of music.

I liked the keyboards too, they sounded very beautifully with the music context...
I wanna hear more things from you man, you have a nice potential... Keep it up!

(Review Request Club)

OH35 responds:

Hey thanks for the compliments! I agree, the guitar is a wonderful instrument that blends together with everything.


The music was very nice man, the beats and the drums were awesome, it had a catchy beat, but what the hell was that thing in the middle of the song??????
You simply stopped it, the pause dured 1:30 minutes, it really messed up with the song, it's awful to see such a good music as this one being messed up...

But, the music was very nice after this break, it came with full speed, i liked this part of the music, i think that's the better part...

I also liked how you made the end, it was super nice, you didn't stopped suddenly, you builded it, the audio was getting even lower and lower...

Anyways, i liked the music, i just think you shouldn't made that break in the middle, it messed it up!!! But I loike your job, you can do better, so, keep it up!!

(Review Request Club)

Mans0n responds:

I totally agree. That's why I fixed it :)


Hmmm, tell me if I'm wrong, but isn't Whiplash a Metallica song??
Now I understand why it's ''fast and aggressive''!!!

I really liked the fast drums and the main beat, i think you made a nice mix with speed and electronic music, that's very nice, isn't awesome to hear something new and inovating???

I liked the song variation, there was a lot of new beats appearing in the music, i liked that, you had criativity to make a variated music, but you didn't lost the main soul of the music... Everything worked well, you made a nice job here man...

PS: I like Metallica and Whiplash!!

Keep it up!! I wanna hear more things from you!!
(Review Request Club)

julius33 responds:

Thank you for the review :) it seems im getting better at stuff... :P


That's a nice song, man!! It's an up music, I think that's not a classical song, but you're the one who decides the things...

I just loved the piano, it gave the relaxing touch to the music, like Fro said before, this song seems to be a RPG music, I agree with him, it reminds me of Fly For Fun, Pokemon and Final Fantasy, games that I used to play, they all have musics like this, and all of them kick ass, and you song kick some asses too!!

I just think that's a bit too repetitive, you could cutted the lenght, because the music seems to be a loop...
Anyways, the music was great, I just wanna say that i liked your job, i think you should keep it up, because I listened an awesome work here... Congratulations, man!!

(Review Request Club)

Herdunculus responds:

Gees, I really appreciate the positive feedback. Thanks. And those games it reminds you of really makes me proud I could produce such an effect. I am working on the repetiveness and length of the song. Thanks for the praise! And thanks for the review, too!


Man, this song really impressed me!!! The song is so nice, the beggining seems to say: ''Watch out man!!!You're going to hear some AWESOME music!'' The intro is amazing, it gave a kind of good felling when i heard that beat, but after 2:20, the music speeded up, and it was just awesome to hear man, the beats are amazing, the drums really fit with the rest of the instruments, it's just impressive how the music is so contagious!!

I really liked the 5th minute, i think you did a great job stopping the song to make another thing, it really fitted with the music, it has a great eletronic beat, it was, one of the best songs I've ever heard, congratulations, man, I expect to hear more from you!!

(Review Request Club)

aliaspharow responds:

Thanks! this review totally made my day! Glad you liked it and don't worry, i don't expect to stop making music any time soon. I'l PM you next time i get a good one out!


Loved it

Man, the music is SO good!!!
The sound itself is very ''epic'', like Haggard said, i think this music could be easily introduced to a movie, because it has everything neccesary to a tragic end, it seems that a warrior won the battle, but he lost everything, he triunphed, but there was nobody with him...

The song is very consisent, the drums are awesome, it gave the kind of epic style to the music, when it's togheter with the other things, it only made the music more sad, but this sad style made the nice thing to the music...
I see you have potential to make other great songs like this one... Keep it Up!!!

(Review Request Club)

Stargenx responds:

Thanks for the nice review! :)


The music is simply great, it's short, but it seems you putted 7 minutes in 3 and half minutes, the music is so melancholic, it's so beautiful, it remembers me of so much things that happened in my life, I just can't express my feelings 'bout this music, everything is so nice and everything fit so beautifully well to the others instuments...

That kind of solo was simply great, it broke the sadness of the music and it turned into an emotional music, i loved the way you builded the music, from the begining to the end, the music keeps so AWESOME!!!

The music is great, i expect to hear more great things from you, like this spectacular music... Keep it up!

(Review Request Club)

callitsleep89 responds:

Thanks for the review, and thanks for listening!

Pretty different...

It's a pretty different music, the beggining isn't very good, but after that voice, the music is very nice, the beat is very syncronized, i liked that, it has speed, it has a groovy thing that a lot of other musics don't have, it made me feel kind of better, because everything is working well, the main beat works super well with the background beat, it is a really nice mix of beats, like every Drum and Bass song should be...

I liked it so much, but I know you can make a better music, with more beats and add 2 more minutes, because when the music is getting nice, the music ends... But the music is still nice, it has a perfect syncronization, the drums are very loud, i can listen everything very well, and this gives something more to the final overall of the music... Keep it up!!

(Review Request Club)

jpgregorio responds:

Thanks, i'll try to make a longer one:)

Nice music!!

Nice drum'n bass song man!! I really like this style of music, I think that's one of the nicest kind of music to listen...

The main beat is very nice, but it gets too repetitive sometimes, but the song is still great, it has a nice and groovy beat, it's a good thing to listen. The background beat add something really cool to the music.

The lenght is very short, but if you made more 2 minutes, it would get way too repetitive!! So, I'm giving you an 8, the music was very nice, but sometimes it repeats too much... But, anyways, it's awesome... Keep it up!!

(Review Request Club)

Decibel responds:

Thanks, I like to add a little dark essence to my songs although I feel that it is quite a hard thing to do.
The main beat isn't anything per se cuz i just added a bassline to it, I'm working on the melody.
The length is short i admit, but thats wjy its a WIP!
ThAnKs for the review,


I really like classical songs, they kind of animate me, it animated me, I just don't know why!!

The piano is very well aplicated, that's a nice adding to the music, it's vital for a classical song, the feeling the music passed me is unbeliaveble, it has true work in it, I loved the touching beat the music have!!

Cofngratulations, I expect to hear more ftom you and LubLub!!

(Review Request Club)

Lamplighter responds:

Thanks a bunch, Roger! Yep, I love me some pianos. I wouldn't say they're vital, but any song with a piano in it makes me appreciate that much more. Glad to hear you enjoyed it :)

Heavy hung the canopy of blue :3

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